Utility submetering
Save money and the environment by measuring electricity and water consumption. Getting a sense of the consumption is both simple and easy with us. You don’t even need to replace any meters. We can help you get started!
X2 Wireless individual submetering provides you with a reliable and stable measurement of electricity and water use without having to replace any meters. Our sensors can be connected to most meters on the market and require no wiring or cables.
The sensors connect wirelessly directly to the cloud, which drastically reduces the cost of reading the meter. The running costs of reading a meter makes submetering a simple calculus.
One sensor – many measurements
There are many advantages for both residents and owners to understanding energy consumption. Our sensor fits both the main meter to the property as well as the submeters of individual units.
- Find leaks and interruptions
- See patterns and trends
- Find large consumers
- Reduce consumption
- Bill correctly and only pay for what you actually use
Water consumption
By starting to measure water use you can save up to 30% of consumption. This means that the more units there are the greater the savings. Oftentimes it is only 10% of tenants that use most of the water consumed in the property. A bonus is that any water leaking in the system is quickly exposed.
Energy consumption
By starting submetering in a property you can avoid having to navigate individual energy contracts for each unit and instead use one contract for the entire property. Having to only administer one contract and making consumption visible to residents in real time lowers both costs and consumption dramatically. Savings amount to on average roughly 130 USD per year per apartment with today’s energy prices.
Share metering with residents
The big savings happen when residents and tenants can see their own measurement data. The statistics are all analyzed and presented in neat and simple diagrams, all to make it easier for you as a user to understand how water and electricity is used.
It is only when you can see and understand your consumption that you can do anything about it. The gallons and kilowatt-hours are translated into money to further simplify overview and the weekly and monthly reports provide a basis for billing.
Monitoring make the effects of energy-saving measures like renovation and other improvements immediately obvious.
The app
You have complete overview in the app over all measurement data. The hard numbers are collated and easily readable and comparable in a clear way. You get:
- Current, historical, and expected consumption
- Real time diagrams
- Consumption reports every week
- Basis for billing every month
- Free export of data via API
- Tenants with their consumption under control
Our sensors
Smoke Detector
Smoke detector with built-in temperature sensor for verifying fire alarms as well as continuous measurement of indoor temperature.
Fire Alarm Button
Red break glass alarm button with sabotage function. Wireless for easy installation.
Fire siren
A siren activated over the air by smoke alarms or fire alarm buttons.
Climate Sensor
Measures temperature, humidity, vapor pressure, moisture influx and mold growth.
CO2 Sensor
Carbon dioxide sensor that continuously measures the amount of CO2 in the room with industrial precision.
Radon Sensor
Digital radon sensor that provides up-to-date radon content every hour.
Air Quality Sensor
Air quality sensor that shows how polluted the air is by e.g. cigarette smoke.
Individual metering
Water consumption
Water measurements for apartments, detached housing, or larger properties.
Electricity consumption
Electrical measurements for apartments, detached housing, or larger properties.
Safety and Security
Water Alarms
Water leak sensor that activates at the first drop of water. Placed e.g. under the sink or the refrigerator.
Door and window sensor
Burglar alarm for doors and windows.
Motion sensor
Burglar alarm that reacts to unauthorized movement in a room.
Vibration alarm
Vibration alarm for e.g. securing small objects. Reacts to the smallest of vibrations.
Panic button
Panic buttons for e.g. elderly or store staff.
Fluid level alarm
Measures the water level in tanks and containes, e.g. expansion vessels in a water heating system.
Alarm siren
A wirelessly activated siren that can be set to react to any sensor, e.g. door or motion sensors.